Houses for sale in Canada - page 1

Houses for sale in Canada by State


Nova Scotia

67% of the population living in Nova Scotia has an economic level above the national average.


71% of the population living in Manitoba has an economic level above the national average.


66% of the population living in Alberta has an economic level above the national average.


45% of the population living in Ontario has an economic level above the national average.


68% of the population living in Saskatchewan has an economic level above the national average.

Newfoundland and Labrador

75% of the population living in Newfoundland and Labrador has an economic level above the national average.


92% of the population living in Yukon has an economic level above the national average.

Prince Edward Island

69% of the population living in Prince Edward Island has an economic level above the national average.

New Brunswick

16% of the population living in New Brunswick has an economic level above the national average.


44% of the population living in Quebec has an economic level above the national average.

British Columbia

14% of the population living in British Columbia has an economic level above the national average.

Northwest Territories

23% of the population living in Northwest Territories has an economic level above the national average.


80% of the population living in Nunavut has an economic level above the national average.
❮ See top States in Canada